Switch Dance Lindy Hop Workshop


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Switch Dance Lindy Hop Workshop

From 04:00 pm until 05:30 pm

At Platform 360

1840 Willamette Street Suite 206, Eugene, OR 97401

Switch Dance Lindy Hop Workshop. Saturday, April 19th, 4-5:30pm

Switch dancing or Switching refers to switching lead/follow roles during a social dance and is another wonderful way to express musicality, fluidity and communication with your partner!

This class will explore how and when to switch comfortably with your partner. Nika and Rachel will bring their ideas and some fun steps, but we'll also play lots of music and leave dance time throughout for practice and experimentation.

No previous experience with switch dancing required. However, we will be approaching this idea from a Lindy Hop background, so basic Lindy Hop vocabulary will be used throughout, and some previous experience dancing both roles will help provide a solid foundation for exploration.

Admission: $20 at the door. $15 Online
Come have fun, build a community, and DANCE!
Venue is Platform 360 which is two blocks south of the vets Building
1840 Willamette Street Suite 206, Eugene, OR 97401