Beginning Balboa Series Class


Beginning Balboa Series Class

From 07:00 pm until 08:00 pm

At Veterans Memorial Building Upstairs Dance Studio

1626 Willamette St, Eugene, OR 97401

Wednesday Nights Starting March 5th: Beginning Balboa

Balboa is a swing-era dance originating in Southern California. Danced in crowded beach ballrooms, Balboa was originally a close embrace dance featuring fast shuffling footwork.  

This class series will cover "Pure Bal" closed position or close embrace connection and basic footwork rhythms as well as more open and broken-away "Bal-Swing" vocabulary (lollies, turns etc.) We will focus on establishing a solid rhythmic foundation and comfortable connection to support your future Balboa exploration!

Some examples:

Cami and Dominic at CalBal 2025

Hal and Marge Takier at Disneyland 1987

Class Venue is Veterans Memorial Building Upstairs Studio: 1626 Willamette St, Eugene, OR 97401.

Class Dates are March 5th, 12th, 19th, and 26th

Admission: $50 at the door. $40 Online